Water Corporation Drain
The Water Corp drain could become a new, living public space and green spine through the heart of Leederville.
A Walking Link through Leederville
There is the potential to turn the Water Corp drain into a living access route and greenspace spine through the heart of the new developments in Leederville, including – 40 Frame Court, City Carparks, etc.
A Green Walkway
By creating an arboretum/green cover walkway between the heart of Leederville and Water Corporation building Leederville will get a new axis of operation without the need for cars.
This walkway will allows the developments that occur alongside it to leverage off, and contribute to, its living green space.
Image: Fish Lane Development in Brisbane. Image credit Scott Burrows Photography.
Tell the Story and Purify the Water
The drain was once a life-giving connection across the wetlands along the Swan River important to the Whadjuk Noongar people.
Then Perth was built on top of the wetlands and the stream was buried in a drain. Sadly the design of the drain, and ownership of the surrounding land, makes it impossible to restore the stream back to what it was.
However, in consultation with the Whadjuk people to determine what is an appropriate response to this injustice, it may be possible to bring some of the water from the drain to the surface using renewable energy pumping, and channel it through sculptural features and green spaces along the walkway, to partially purify it for reintroduction into the Swan River. Retaining existing underground drain will allow for peak flood flow in winter.
Leederville Microgrid
To support the Renewable Energy Zone the Drain easement may be able to be used as a cable location to connect the various buildings into the Leederville microgrid.