Urban Renewable Energy Zone

It’s totally feasible to put solar panels on the fronts of buildings and turn the buildings into solar generators.

North facing aspect

The new developments in Leederville wrap along the edge of the Freeway.

The majority of these locations have a north facing aspect. This provides an ideal opportunity to use building integrated photovoltaics to clad the building facades with energy generating cladding.

Image: The General Melbourne, CKA Architects

North facing aspect

The new developments in Leederville wrap along the edge of the Freeway.

The majority of these locations have a north facing aspect. This provides an ideal opportunity to use building integrated photovoltaics to clad the building facades with energy generating cladding.

Image: Copenhagen International School

North facing aspect

The new developments in Leederville wrap along the edge of the Freeway.

The majority of these locations have a north facing aspect. This provides an ideal opportunity to use building integrated photovoltaics to clad the building facades with energy generating cladding.

Image: MNACTEC Terrassa Barcelona Spain

Net Zero Energy

Vincent St, Newcastle St, and the Water Corporation drain all run east-west giving lots of opportunities for north facing buildings to become solar generators.

Combining the orientation of the building with a common cable spine and precinct scale battery gives the opportunity to make Leederville Net Zero Energy.